Tuesday, November 26, 2013

¡la exposición!

This past Saturday was the grand finale of my photography project here in Bolivia - an exhibition of the girls' best photos, all relating to the theme of nature in the city. I'm happy to report that it was a big success and that, most importantly, it was a time for the girls to really show off their work and take pride in their own creativity. Oh, and the event got covered in the national newspaper! It's only in Spanish, but google translator does an okay job if you're interested in reading it. My heart was so full from the day, and my only big regret is that I myself did not get a chance to pause and look at the photos (though other things like the fact that the photos didn't hang straight still nag me as well). Thanks everyone for your prayers and support along the way.

With only 9 days left in Bolivia, I'd appreciate your prayers that I'd love, invest, and finish well. See you all so soon!


  1. So glad it went well! Can't wait to see you! Blessings on all your goodbyes over the next few days!


  2. Heather, how wonderful! The girls must have such pride in their work, which I could "hear" in the article (with the help of Google translate, of course). It appears they have learned so much of their potential through their photography and your teaching. Praise God for such a wonderful, culminating event! Looking forward to seeing you shortly!
